Sunday, May 11, 2014


My first enemy contribution to the team.
Creating the image didn't really teach me anything new it just helped me work on my rendering and lighting techniques. I wanted to have a specific look that I'm happy to say I achieved.

Creating the worm texture was the most challenging/ambitious texture job that I've ever been give. I've always created Diffuse textures but Secular and Diffuse maps were new to me. Creating them in mudbox and even exporting them was something i had to go and research and find tutorials on.  

Rigging the worm was the first time I'd rigged a character in over a year plus the first time  I used the CAT bone system. Luckily the worm has a simple bone system so it was the perfect semi beginner project. After working with the CAT system I now have a better understanding when it comes to IK. One problem that caused me some confused was what i later found was Gimbal Locking thanks to Seth Swanson, he showed me that sometimes bones will appear facing forward but are actually backwards.

Animating was never something i thought i would enjoy, i always thought it was tedious and cumbersome work. Animating the worms showed me a different perspective.  Besides have the backward bones that i talked about in the rigging portion and having to learning how animate with the CAT Systems. I learned a lot,  how to export animations to unity and how to key frame them correctly.  Biggest regret not having the worm doing the worm as an idle animation... Chum. I'm thinking yes. 

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