Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Half O' Worm & Base Firefly

Sadly, the worm battle did not make into the build for portfolio night. Creating the half worm was what i thought would be an easy task. It was not. I did learn that you can save Animation Layers from CAT System and import them into different models.  I thought this would save me hours of time instead of reanimating the half worm to do the same animations that the full worm has i would just import then.  This didn't happen that way. So i had to reanimate by hand. Still nice knowing how to import/export Animation Layers.


Here we have the firefly base mesh. Creating it was pretty straight forward, once i finally got the character sheet. Making this model was the first time i had to be more concerned with topology, unlike the worm who has a very simple body anatomy the firefly has a hard shell covering and wings under them. I had to make sure the flow would allow this to be accurately/successfully animated.  

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