Saturday, March 8, 2014

Manhole & Particles!

Original text saved for posterity
Working with particles was a new for me, i think i was able to achieve what was asked of me successfully.  Maybe I will take on some more particles in the future. 

Ahhh particles, working with them at the time was the most difficult thing I had done for Extreme Exterminators. I remembering being frustrated for a full day because I couldn't get them to look the way i wanted. Even Youtube was void of aid (Yes, its possible.) I ended up having to just play with them for few days before getting what you seen below. Which I must say isn't as good as it could be if i have the chance to go back, now i actually know how to time particles to go off on intervals which is exactly what i wanted to do for the cop car. For the sewer drain it just needs a steam texture and it would A-Okay. I don't think the build have the particles so that's something i have to take up with the team.

Sewer drain was a pretty simple model, only thing i did different was using emboss in photoshop.

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