Thursday, December 12, 2013


Credits 3.0. This is the third iteration of the credits after a few typos and forgotten names this is what made the cut.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Road Placement

After creating the roads i was tasked with placing them on all the maps for the game. I ran into some pivot issues that made the job pretty difficulty after getting those fixed, i was able to finish the job quickly. While creating i realized that some other road pieces had to be made to achieve the correct look.

List O' Props

During the last sprint I had time to work on a few props and I never posted them. So I am posting them now.
Broken Bench
 The broken bench was an entertaining process, I was able to "destroy" something I built. I adapted the cut method i used in making the beacon earlier this semester.  Unwrapping the broken bench proved to be the most tedious part.

The grenade was a simple prop to create. I based mine off the grenade to the right. 

Stop Light
The stop light was a pretty simple prop to make because design already had an idea of what they wanted it. While working on this i had to change the texture to Josh's street light.

News Dispenser
Before the final sprint started i was working on a news dispenser. Unfortunately I had shift my focus on the map related things hopefully i will find some time to finish.