Monday, October 22, 2012

Re Scaling

After finishing all of the inventory items I was informed by the programmers that some of my items weren't scaled correctly. "The look like tooth picks!" So to make their job easier I would just re-scale all the items in 3ds max instead of them doing it in unity.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Middle Divide

I was tasked with making the middle divide for the made, each hold represents a door way. This was my math lesson for the day!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Food Basket

Coin & Purse


52 Polys, If i can figure out how to fix a texture issue i can lower it to 28 polys.


Finished musket Its 146 polygons, I would have been able to lower it 40 polygons if i could have removed those gold loops in the middle of the barrel. But those without those loops the gold rings would stretch around.