Thursday, December 12, 2013


Credits 3.0. This is the third iteration of the credits after a few typos and forgotten names this is what made the cut.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Road Placement

After creating the roads i was tasked with placing them on all the maps for the game. I ran into some pivot issues that made the job pretty difficulty after getting those fixed, i was able to finish the job quickly. While creating i realized that some other road pieces had to be made to achieve the correct look.

List O' Props

During the last sprint I had time to work on a few props and I never posted them. So I am posting them now.
Broken Bench
 The broken bench was an entertaining process, I was able to "destroy" something I built. I adapted the cut method i used in making the beacon earlier this semester.  Unwrapping the broken bench proved to be the most tedious part.

The grenade was a simple prop to create. I based mine off the grenade to the right. 

Stop Light
The stop light was a pretty simple prop to make because design already had an idea of what they wanted it. While working on this i had to change the texture to Josh's street light.

News Dispenser
Before the final sprint started i was working on a news dispenser. Unfortunately I had shift my focus on the map related things hopefully i will find some time to finish.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Here are the modular road pieces, modeling these were no problem they are simple planes the difficulty came from making the texture seemless. I picked on a few different ways of, to create seemless textures.  I am pretty happy with the final result.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Here is the base model for Cherry. 

After meshing out the basic model I learned that you can have two objects in the same UVW unwrap. 


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I got my bench texture back this week, being told that it didn't fit the art style. I had to make it look more "cartoony". Luckily I was able to experiment with the Photoshop filter smart blur and obtain the required look.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Stop Sign & Tree

The tree I went about creating differently than I normally do. Instead of using all four sided poly, I went about cutting some of the object up with tris in the places I needed extra geometry. I also used an opacity map for the first time when texturing this.

Here is the stop sign prop, I didn't really learn anything new when creating it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Helping Hand

Juwan Wright asked for some help modeling the tree, he was working on so i gave him a quick way that i would have used. I ended up giving him the model to work with. Here it is.

Mailbox Prop

Here is the mailbox prop. Finished it in 2 hours. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Here's the beacon, making these cracks were pretty simple once i figured out what was the best way to make them.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Here is the bench. I was given 200 polys to work with but i decided that should do it under that. I was able to complete it in 94 polys.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Here is the GUI we will be using in the upcoming game Extreme Exterminator.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Base M60

Here is the first task i was given was creating a M60 with 100 ploys. I'd say its a successful execution. My only problem will probably be texturing and unwrapping.

And... We're back in action!

After a semester off from the CSG program, Obscure Fish is back in action with a large team addition from Abbssive Creations. Just a small update, expect many props because I'm the master proper.