Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mossy Pipe

After the art review we were told that we had to many of the same texture and color pallet. One of rooms is going to be dirtier than the rest and have moss covering most of the objects. Here is a comparison shot of the moss on a pipe.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rare Sword

The bottom sword is the rare sword texture. You can see the subtle differences instead of the Ying Yang the symbol is a circle with the word death around it. The hilt signifies death is a never ending cycle, the blood on the sword is from all the fallen enemies.

Villge Sign

I decided to make a village sign for the directing the player to the market. The outside of the village felt bland so I felt that spicing up was needed.

Village Map

I was tasked with making the beta for the village map. I think it turned out very well for my low poly limitations.
  Everything was made by me expect for the roofs those were created by Steven Pratt.

 Each Building's window are transparent when added to Unity.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


This is my Arch, it didn't fit the height requirements so I needed to re size the the pillars so the Arch actually made sense.


This is the shopping cart, it will have two lanterns hanging down and other assets inside the stall.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Window Texture

This is a possible window texture.


This item gave me a particular hassle, I tried different methods. I ended up using a symmetry modifier  to get the column to work out.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Checkpoint Column

 The first two images are just rendered out of 3ds max. The other image is a screenshot of that particle system on the Incense. I tried programming the incense to activate when the column is clicked I couldn't figure it out, so Im going to watch over a programmers back to learn how to do it,

Monday, November 5, 2012

Crate Maker

I have accepted my role as prop modeler, and this is my 5 minute crate i made for the basement levels.