Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Beautifying Levels and Explosions

Today, I attend one of our two crunch sessions. I was tasked with making all the completed levels. The image shown above is the first level i completed. During my task I decided that the enemies would be a lot more intriguing if they exploded on completion of the math problems, so i found the needed images and particles for someone to work on.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


In Class I choose to start and finish the Credits for the Math Platform, to further my experience with programming GUI. First I created a simply script to allow the text to scroll up the screen, later I realized that I wanted to change the color so, now I rewrite the whole script.
  Today's List
- Created End Credits
-Refined Health GUI
-Refined GUI Skin
-Tested Levels
Refined Health Gui


After being told that i should also put wireframes of objects i create. I'm going through old stuff so i can show all the wireframes.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Redone Health Gui

I redid this task because, the back part felt unnecessary. Hopefully the programers are able to work with it and make the health bar decrease.

Power Point- Presentations

Today in class, i was tasked with "beautifying" are final presentation. I quickly exported the shared document and turned in into a Power Pint document. Now I have to figure out how to make the Presentation look better and change all the slides to fit a color scheme.